Lego 7824 Railway Station |
The Lego 7824 Railway Station is much similar to the Lego 7822, with the same name. the only difference, is that this version has more pieces, and more things going on than in the 7822. This set includes 478 pieces, and of those 478 pieces, the set includes 9 different minifigures, and vehicles. The other set had to much stuff that has no real purpose, other then for decoration. The catwalk for instance, yes while you can put minifigures up there, but I feel like it was totally unnecessary, that’s why I like this set so much. It cut off most of the fat, meaning it cut off most of the useless stuff. Speaking of useless stuff, there are two lamp posts on either sides of the station, and they look identical to the 7867: 4 Lighting Standards Electric 12 V, except that it doesn’t work. Perhaps they sold it as a 4.5 line cheaper to the consumers, then they can convert the set into a 12 volt set by adding the metal rails in the middle. It could be where to put it when you replace it. Besides useless stuff, this set includes a luggage car that carries all the luggage and transports it onto the train. This set would make an excellent addition to any Lego train track. The Lego 7824 Railway Station, was released in 1983, contains 478 pieces and includes 9 minifigures. |